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公开课程: 营销与销售 领导与管理       内训课程: 营销与销售 领导与管理
中国营销传播网 > 培训 > 相关资料: How to Compete Against Price

How to Compete Against Price



  Join us for the premiere event and international launch of the John Caslione World Tour. Marketing and sales executives must learn new tools and strategies to fight against discounting in the marketplace and help grow profits in today’s harsh economic climate. This 1-day event will help you to maximize your ROI and win sales without resorting to price discounting.

Key Topics
I. The Changing Marketing and Sales Environment
·Today's Marketing and Sales Environment: Identifying Key Trends
·The Changing Product Procurement Function
·Vendor Reduction Programs
·The Changing Role of Suppliers in the Strategic Supplier Alliance?

II. The New Marketing Imperatives for the 21st Century
·Customer Value2 (CV2)

III. The Value-Added Concept
·Value-Added Defined and the Rationale for Value-Added Strategies
·Value-Added vs. Added-Value
·Total Cost of Acquisition (TCA) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
·The Concept of Total Corporate Contribution (TCC)
·Business Process Analysis (BPA) and Mapping Business Processes
·Quantifying Value-Added Contributions and the Value-Added Audit
·The Vision Grid

IV. Developing the Strategic Supplier Alliance?
·Objectives and Attributes of the Strategic Supplier Alliance?
·Strategic Supplier Alliance Continuum? Stages of Development and Evolution

V. Internal Value-Added Capabilities Audit
·Conducting Your Company's Internal Analysis
·Cultural Assessment and Image Assessment
·Product Line Marketability Assessment
·Value-Added Contributions Survey
·Value-Added Projects and Programs Strategy Assessment
·Business Process Analysis Skills Assessment

V. Developing Value-Added Pricing Strategy
·Ten Common Pricing Mistakes
·Twelve Traditional Pricing Strategies
·Value-based Pricing vs. Cost-Based Pricing
·Price/Value Strategy Matrix and Analysis Grid
·Developing and Implementing a Value-Added Pricing Strategy

VII. Implementing the Value-Added Strategy
·Strategy Formulation: Development and Application During the Product Life Cycle
·Program Formulation: Critical Success Factors
·Implementation:Key Steps and Issues

Key Benefits

·Determine if a Value-Added Strategy is appropriate for your company
·Develop profiles of the customers and markets your company should target
·Apply Customer Value2 (CV2) to maximize your company's value proposition to the marketplace
·Identify and quantify your company's Value-Added Contributions, enabling you to increase prices and margins
·Organize your program to effectively utilize your company's cross-functional resources and transition it to a Value-Added Culture

Who Should Attend
·Presidents and General Managers
·Directors and Vice Presidents of Sales, Marketing and Product Management
·Senior Sales Executives and Account Executives
·Cross-Functional Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers of Purchasing, Logistics, Manufacturing, Finance

What you will learn

·How to win the sale without resorting to discounting
·How to increase the value of the sale
·How to gain access to key decision makers
·How to use these tools to grow profits

Program Agenda
08:00-09:00  Registration
09:00-09:15  Opening Address
09:15-10:45  The New Discount-Driven Marketplace: Today's New Challenges & What Companies Must Do to Compete Successfully to Win Sales in 2003
10:45-11:00  Morning Coffee
11:00-12:45  New Discount-Driven Marketplace Rules & Tools to Segment Markets:
Creating Powerful Value Propositions to Successfully Compete Against Price Discounting.
13:00-14:00  Lunch
14:00-15:30  Leveraging Your Company's Untapped Organizational Value: Maximizing Your Total Value Propositions to Gain Must-Needed Access to Decision Makers.
15:30-15:45  Afternoon Tea
15:45-17:30  Putting it All Together: Maximizing Profits in 2003, While Positioning for Tomorrow's Next Challenges.
17:30   Seminar Close & onwards Book Signing







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