约翰·科特(John Kotter)博士


  约翰·科特(John P. Kotter)博士是当今世界“领导与变革”领域最杰出的权威,系哈佛商学院终身教授。曾先后就读于麻省理工学院和哈佛大学。1972年开始任职于哈佛商学院。1980年,时年仅32岁的科特即被哈佛商学院授予“终身教授”之职,成为哈佛大学历史上获此殊荣的最年轻的二人之一(另一位是“竞争战略之父”迈克尔·波特博士)。于2001年10月出版的《商业周刊》中,科特教授被评为“领导大师第一人”。


  科特教授被公推为世界“领导与变革”领域最佳演讲者。其提供过咨询和演讲服务的客户包括:AMD、美国运通、ARCO、雅芳、施贵宝、花旗集团、可口可乐、菲尔曼基金(Fireman’s Fund)、通用电气、通用汽车、赫尔希公司(Hershey)、霍尼韦尔、IBM、强生、万豪酒店、美林、美孚、孟山都(Monsanto)、摩托罗拉、纳贝斯克、NCR、雀巢、纽约人寿保险、飞利浦、百事可乐、普华永道、RCA、锐步国际、莎拉•李(Sara Lee)、壳牌石油、索尼、西南贝尔等。


● 中国人一向对“领导”和“管理”的概念及目的区分不清,对于名词认识不清,自然扮演不好对应的内涵。企业经常由于缺乏领导而绩效无法展现时,误认为管理出问题,而用更多管理制度因应,自然无法切中核心问题。

● 中国人想到“领导”时,多半想到高阶经理人,但是新经济使未来不确定性大大增加。因此,只靠首席执行官的愿景式(visionary)领导是不够的,必须同时实行释放潜能式(unleashing)领导,要求各阶层人员都能具备领导力。

《领导究竟应该做什么》       1999年(繁体中文版由台湾中国生产力中心出版)
《领导变革》            1998年(繁体中文版由台湾天下文化出版)
《松下领导学》           1997年(繁体中文版由台湾天下文化出版)
《新规则》             1995年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《企业文化与经营业绩》       1992年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《变革的力量:领导与管理的差异》  1990年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《现代企业的领导艺术》       1988年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《总经理》             1986年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《权力与影响》           1985年(简体中文版由华夏出版社出版)
《组织动态学》           1978年  其他……


◎ 科特教授为我们提供了深入分析和了解人类素质中最易被误解和低估的看到素质的方法。实现了有效领导的组织才能迎接21世纪严酷环境的挑战。
                 ——路易斯 A. 普里切特(宝洁公司销售部副总裁)
◎ 科特教授的发现对每一个追求事业成功的人都是极有价值的。
◎ 在经历了近20年的公司和小企业的生活后,我想我已经知道了在今后这样严酷的环境中如何制胜的法宝,但我错了。扔下一切事情来聆听约翰·科特博士的教诲,这会改变你的人生。
    ——乔吉特·莫斯巴赫(Gtorgette Mosbacher Enterprises公司首席执行总裁)

◎ 它充满了有影响力而且有用的观点,将大大有助于人们对领导力的把握和评价。
                      ——托马斯 J. 米省(通用电气公司)

English Profile

In 1980, at the age of 32, he was given tenure and a full professorship at the Harvard Business School, making him one of the youngest people in the history of the University to be so honored.

◆He is the author of six best-selling business books.
◆He is the best speaker in the world on the topics of leadership and change.
 The satisfaction rates of his seminars are always higher than 4.8 out of 5.
◆He has made many executives more clearly on the differences between    Management and Leadership, so that they can make their business to grow by increasing their leadership.
◆He even tells you-- “How to manage your boss.”
◆He is invited by EMKT to conduct seminars in China in May, 2002.
                   --He is Dr. John P. Kotter
John P. Kotter is a graduate of MIT and Harvard. He joined the Harvard Business School faculty in 1972. In 1980, at the age of 33, he was given tenure and a full professorship at the Business School, making him one of the youngest people in the history of the University to be so honored.

Professor Kotter is the author of John P. Kotter on What Leaders Really Do (1999), Matsushita Leadership (1997), Leading Change (1996), The New Rules (1995), Corporate Culture and Performance (1992), A Force for Change (1990, The Leadership Factor (1988), Power and Influence (1985), and The General Managers (1982). He has also created two acclaimed executive videos, one on "Leadership" (1991), and one on "Corporate Culture" (1993), and an educational CD-ROM (1998) based on the Leading Change book. His educational articles in the Harvard Business Review over the past twenty-five years have sold more reprints than any of the hundreds of distinguished authors who have written for that publication during the same time period. Professor Kotter's books have been printed in twenty-five foreign language editions, and total sales are approaching two million copies. His next book, The Heart of Change, will be published in 2002.

The many honors won by Professor Kotter include an Exxon Award for Innovation in Graduate Business School Curriculum Design, and a Johnson, Smith & Knisely Award for New Perspectives in Business Leadership. In 1996, Professor Kotter's Leading Change was named the #1 management book of the year by Management General. In 1998, his Matsushita Leadership won first place in the Financial Times, Booz-Allen Global Business Book Competition for biography / autobiography.

Professor Kotter is widely regarded as the best speaker in the world on the topics of leadership and change.His many clients include American Express, Avon,CIT Group,Coca-Cola,General Electric,General Motors,IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Marriott, Neste, NCR, Mobil, Philips, PepsiCo, Sara lee, Sony, Southwestern Bell, Monsanto, Motorola.

