罗纳德·坎贝尔(Dr. Ronald E. Campbell)博士



  罗纳德•坎贝尔博士(Dr. Ronald E. Campbell)是全美资深领导力专家,也是世界领导力大师保罗•赫塞博士(Dr. Paul Hersey)的得力助手,目前主要负责“美国领导力研究中心(CLS)”研究项目的开发、实施及营销事务,其中包括CLS国内战略伙伴网络以及海外26家分支机构的相关事务。在1992年出任CLS总裁之前,他曾担任CLS营销部执行副总裁及培训部总监等职,是美国著名的领导力专家之一。



President and CEO,Center for Leadership Studies

Ron Campbell is responsible for managing the design, delivery and marketing of the entire Center for Leadership Studies programs worldwide. This includes a domestic network of strategic business partners, as well 26 foreign affiliate offices. Prior to appointment as President in 1992, he served as Executive Vice President of Marketing, and as Director of Training Development.

Ron earned his B.S. in Human Relations and Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco, and B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii. He holds a Masters in Human Resource Management from Pepperdine and a Masters and a Doctorate in Applied Behavioral Science from California American University. He has taught courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels in management, personnel administration, statistics, and organizational behavior.

Ron has over twenty years of consulting and training, with major companies in the Fortune 500. Particular areas of training and application include leadership skill building, team building, conflict management, sales, parenting, and service training. Ron has worked with a variety of client systems internationally in the public, private and government sectors.

