保罗·赫塞(Paul Hersey)博士



  1969年,世界组织行为学大师、全球著名领导力大师、情境领导○R模式创始人保罗•赫塞(Paul Hersey)博士出版经典之作《组织行为学》,他在本书中全面阐述了情境领导○R模式,从而为古老的领导话题提供了新的解决思路,一经推出受到全球工商界、学术界的热烈关注。1975年,保罗•赫塞博士创建美国领导力研究中心(CLS)并正式注册情境领导○R(Situational Leadership○R)这一商标。时至今日,全球已有125个国家的1000多万经理人接受过这一培训并运用保罗•赫塞博士的领导模式,保罗•赫塞博士的领导力思想及其所创立的情境领导○R工具已成为全球职业经理人的成功之选。




Chairman, Center for Leadership Studies

Dr. Paul Hersey is a behavioral scientist whose ideas have been used to train managers around the globe for more than three decades. He first published the Situational Leadership Model in articles in the early 1960s. In 1969 he wrote a textbook containing the Model, Management of Organizational Behavior. This classic text has been translated into 14 languages and has sold more than a million copies worldwide.

Paul Hersey is known internationally as an educator, trainer, lecturer, and conference leader. Founder and CEO of the Center for Leadership Studies, he has helped train more than ten million managers from over 1000 organizations worldwide, including Mobil, IBM, Caterpillar, Harris, and Illinois Bell. In the middle 1960s, Hersey's research at the Center for Leadership Studies led to the development of the Situational Leadership Model, an approach to leadership that has become widely accepted in the United States and other countries.

Author of the popular book The Situational Leader, Hersey joined Ohio University as Professor and Chair of the Management Department in 1966, and left in 1975 to develop his leadership center as a major global training organization. The Academy of Management and the American Society have recognized him for his contributions to leadership studies for Training and Development.

