

  杰克·威尔纳(Jack.D.Wilner)是一个具有30多年经验的世界知名的顾问和培训家,他专攻销售、营销和职业提高培训项目,曾连续三年都被美国管理协会年度营销会议评选为最出色的演说家,并被美国培训与发展协会授予“James R.Ball销售与营销纪念奖”。他在美国培训与发展协会的世界会议上的演讲的录音带在两年内都排在畅销榜的第一名。


  他在不同的出版物上发表了许多论文,还写了许多书,例如《销售培训的好处》(The Best of Sales Training),《销售培训师来了》(Here Comes the Sales Trainers),并且在《销售经理手册》上写了一章。ASTD任命他为他所发起的Prentice Hall出版物编辑小组成员负责编辑《销售培训手册》。他所写的书《成功销售管理的七大秘诀》1998年3月由St.Lucie出版社出版,被世界上的许多知名的商学院图书馆收藏,包括哈佛商学院。


Speaker Biography in English

Jack Wilner is a nationally recognized sales consultant and trainer with over 30 years of experience in sales and marketing. He received a BS degree from the U.S. Naval Academy and a MBA from the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.

He is an active member of the American Society for Training and Development and is frequently selected as a speaker at the society's annual international conference. He is also a retired member of the Professional Society for Sales & Marketing Training, where he was recognized as a top-notch chairman of one of the society's best semiannual conferences on quality in sales.

Mr. Wilner has a solid background with Wrangler, one of the world's well-known jeans manufacturers. During his 20 years with Wrangler, he was a successful salesman and sales manager, prior to being promoted as Wranglers first director of sales and marketing training.

Since his retirement, he has become a results-oriented sales and marketing consultant and trainer in the U.S. as well as internationally.

His clients include many Fortune 1000 companies in fields as diverse as apparel, automotive, communications, finance, food service, footwear, hardware, healthcare management, insurance, and retail, as well as a number of trade associations and professional societies.

A popular speaker at seminars and conferences around the world, Mr. Wilner is the author of Seven Secret to Successful Sales Management. Jack has also contributed to Sales Management Handbook, Here Come the Sales Trainers and various sales journals. His wide assignment client base has provided him expertise in designing and delivering programs that are customized to the needs of the participants.

